Friday, November 30, 2012

[Photography] Playing with the shutter speed.

For a beginner photographer having kit lens, shutter speed is the variable that he can play easily with. This Diwali I tried to do some tricks with increasing exposure time. I did not have tripod, alas! Though not very satisfied, here is the outcome of the project -

                              I did not use photoshop or any other software to create this image.

Happy Diwali :-)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[Photography] Kerala : God's Own Country

Wedged between Lakshadeep Sea and Western Ghats - Kerala is one of the most beautiful states of India. Here you can find beautiful tea estates, wildlife sanctuaries and most attractively houseboats. That is why lakhs of tourists visit it from both India and abroad.

We recently took a trip to Kerala for 4 days. It was on the most beautiful experience of my life. Here are some of the photographs from the trip.

                                       HDR of a tea estate [Satisfaction level 6/10]

                                                 Leading Lines [Satisfaction level 4/10]

                                                       Woods near Periyar Lake

 Followed rule of third for the hut but the man came in the middle. Was this hut inspired by Laurie Baker?

                                          Kalaripayattu - One of India's own Marshal Art

This is me. Captain Jack Sparrow. Just Kidding :P

This trip was awesome. But Kerala could not be covered in a week. I will come back many more time to Kerala again. Right now Goa calls. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Placement Preparation for IT Companies: 1

This article is for non CS students who are preparing for placement in an IT company. The views expressed are my personal and you may always find a better way to prepare. One has to focus on these 5 subjects i.e. C, C++, data structure, aptitude, operating system ( very rarely companies ask questions from OS to non CS guys.)

1. C ( or procedural programming)
All of us have read basics of programming language in in our first year C++ course. Hence you should not spend much time in very basic things such as data types, variables, control statements, loops etc. Every book has initail 3 or 4 chapters dedicated to them. So if you are comfortable with them, finish all such chapters in one or two readings. Important points can be listed as -

Bitwise operators i.e. &, |, ^
Arrays, multi dimension array, arrays and pointers
Calling a function by value, pointer and referance ( reference will come in C++)
Pointers – Read this this throughly. If possible, from more than one source.
String – Another very important topic. Pointers and strings. And there are many ways of playing with strings. More than one source recommended.
Recursive functions
Storage modifiers auto, register, static, extern (just remeber the definition)
Preprocessor and macros
Memory allocation function malloc,calloc, free etc.
Structures. Bit fields. Pointers and structures.
Some basics of file IO.

This should take you a week. Solve the programming examples. By solving I mean practice writing code, don't run it on computer.

Books to refer – Yashwant Kanetkar, Balasubramanim. Read only one book. Just for pointers and strings take help of the other.

2. C++ (or Object Oriented Programming)
Now you must we happy because you already know what first 5 or 6 chapters of any C++ book are gonna teach you. You can jump over to OOP.
Revisit pointers, strings and array once. New and delete operator.
Principles of OOP – abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance. You must be able to explain them with examples from real life and code.
Classes, constructor, destructor, function overloading, operator overloading.
Inheritance, virtual functions, function overriding, abstract class etc

Days required 7 to 10 days

3. Data Structure
CSE and ECE students study this subjects in their second year. They should go through at least till binary search trees. Other branch students may just focus on link lists, searching and sorting and the basics of other topics.
Time and space complexity
Searching algos – Binary search
Sorting algos – Bubble sort, Modified bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort and heap sort.
Also always remeber their time complexity, which is used when
Stacks ans queues
Trees, mainly binary search trees (BST)
Hash table

I refered to 'Data Structure through C++' by Yashwant Kanetkar. Dr. Niyogi's lecture slide are also good and give quick referene to the topics.

4. Aptitude
Students tend to take this part lightly. But all companies ask questions from aptitude regardless which profile they belong to. So devote some time to it. Practice some question to gain speed and accuracy. If you are preparing for CAT, apti will be piece of cake for you. You can refer to R. S. Agarwal aptitude book if you don't feel confident.

5. Operating System
Few companies asked question from this section. I did not prepare for it. If you have time you can directly search OS question for interview.
Once you are done with the theory of a particular topic solve as many question you may find. Search for previous year placement papers and practice writing the code.

If you have any question or suggestion, leave it in the comment.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Review : Prison Break

Lately I had been watching American drama 'Prison Break' and I must say I have never seen anything like that, not a movie nor a TV serial. The story is set in Fox River penitentiary of Illinois State where the protagonist Michael Scofield imprisons himself in order to break his innocent brother out who has been sentenced to electric chair for killing the brother of vice president of USA. 

The concept is fresh and story is unpredictable, gripping and full of surprises, once you start watching you can’t stop until your eyes get tired. Although it’s an 89 episode long series but you cannot predict what the next scene would be. Season 1 and 2 are best and set very high standards. Screenplay is brilliant and very credible. No unrealistic futuristic devices, no brute force action, only sophisticated and far sighted planning and humane, not flawless execution that’s what is the USP of this series. 

Characters are vivid. From altruistic, selfless Michael to opportunistic, villainous and eloquent T-Bag, most of them have gray shades of character. Interestingly, because of the turns story takes, many people who just hate each other are bound to work with each other and often help and save each other. Music, composed by composer Ramin Djawadi is great and strengthens the story. I particularly liked ‘Maricruz’ song.  Editing is superb and one reason why every episode is full of suspense. Action is realistic and does not overshadow the plot. Apart from the story, the strongest point of series is acting. The actors have let their characters seep into them. 

All in all, Prison Break is a must watch series for everyone who loves suspense, thrill and drama. Good thing is it ends only in 4 seasons, so you can actually watch it. Happy watching!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello World!

I can't think of a different title to my first post. Every programming language starts with a 'Hello World' program which prints, nothing, but the phrase "Hello World" itself. Why is it so that starting anything is tough. May be because static friction is higher than kinetic friction. At least Newton said so.  Outside physics books also, we are generally reluctant to get out of our comfort zone.

Rajasthan is pretty hot in summers, even in relatively greener areas. My 4 year old laptop heats up and shuts down without letting me know. I have made special cooling arrangement to write this post. Right now I cannot think of anything else.This post is a complete non sense. Next time I will come up with something interesting or relevant.

Thought : Don't do something to be praised, do something well, praise will come naturally.